Simone is 9 Months!

I can’t believe our sweet baby girl is 9 months old. She has been such a little love — the best addition to our family.


She can crawl when she wants to be somewhere, or follow us into a room (sorry girl!). It’s the cutest little scoot, really. She scoots her left leg under her so she’s ready to sit as soon as she gets to where she wants to be. She can stand now, too, which makes my heart happy for her, but feeling emotional because my days of her being a “baby” limited. Once she discovers she can move her feet, she’ll be walking.

When I wake up in the mornings and see her sweet face, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed with love. “Good morning sweetums!” Jeff and I say as we greet her with 100 kisses. Another day with my sweet, happy and beautiful baby girl. I feel so blessed that she is mine.

We’ve entered sick season in our house, everyone has gotten a cold. Simone has gotten it the worst, really, mostly because it hasn’t gone away. It started with a runny nose, then moved to her eyes, now she has a croup like cough and a temperature. We’ve slowed down the past two weeks, with Jeffy even missing some school and Simone and I staying at home entirely some days (thankfully Erick has had flexibility with work to help). She’s also broken through a new bottom tooth (now has 7 teeth!), which really didn’t help her cold situation.

She’s 19lb and doing well (per the pediatrician). She had her croup like cough the day of her checkup, but was still her sweet self. Never could I have imagined a baby to be so smiley even when she’s sick. We just love her so much. Thankful for our sweet Simone as always.

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